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iCAP in pictures


The main achievement of  iCAP’s team is SPIRAL CONNECT .

The idea came from a strong will to bring new technologies into teaching in order to bring teaching to life, make lectures more interesting and also to diversify teaching methods.


Another tool such as the portal of evaluation (available accessible since April, 2009) was intended for all staff and students of the University Claude Bernard Lyon 1 (UCBL) and broadcasted to The University Paris 1 Sorbonne to allow each course to carry out self evaluations of their teaching.


Finally a multimedia resource portal brings in one location all teaching materials, they are organised according to themes in order to promote greater sharing

>> Find out more

Each year lecturers are invited to submit their projects linked to developing the use of technologies in their teaching. Hereafter some examples of what can be delivered by the iCap team and the lecturers of University Claude Bernard Lyon 1.


> > discover our on-line case studies